Arcaicam Esperantom

Arcaicam Esperantom
Arcaicam Esperantom
Created by Manuel Halvelik
Users 0  (date missing)
Category (purpose)
Writing system Latin
Language codes
ISO 639-2 art
ISO 639-3

Arcaicam Esperantom ("Archaic Esperanto") is a constructed language created to act as a fictional 'Old Esperanto,' in the vein of languages such as Old English or the use of Latin citations in modern texts. It was created by Manuel Halvelik as part of a range of stylistic variants including Gavaro (a slang), Popido (a patois) and a scientific vocabulary closer to Greco-Latin roots.

The idea of an "old Esperanto" was proposed by the Hungarian poet Kalman Kalocsay[1] who in 1931 included a translation of the Funeral Sermon and Prayer, the first Hungarian text (12th century), with hypothetic forms as if Esperanto were a Romance language deriving from Vulgar Latin.


Differences between Esperanto and Arcaicam Esperantom


aŭ becomes aù (but see below regarding -aŭ adjectives)
dz becomes zz
eŭ becomes eù
ks becomes x
kv becomes cù



Ex: The modern Esperanto verb esti (to be), present tense:

The Arcaicam Esperantom verb estir (to be), present tense:

The other verb tenses behave the same way, as does the conditional mood:

The imperative mood behaves differently to that pattern:

Grammatical cases


Language Nominative Accusative Dative Genitive
  singular plural singular plural singular plural singular plural
Arcaicam Esperantom ~om ~oy ~on ~oyn ~od ~oyd ~es ~eys
Esperanto ~o ~oj ~on ~ojn al x~o al x~oj de ~o de ~oj



(Note: Ali-, which in modern Esperanto is not actually a correlative despite its use in that fashion by some, becomes in Arkaika Esperanto as altri- a full-fledged correlative.)



The Lord's Prayer

Patrom nosam, cuyu estu in Chielom,
Estu sanctigitam Tuam Nomom.
Wenu Tuam Regnom,
Plenumighu Tuam Wolom,
Cuyel in Chielom, ityel anquez sobrez Terom.
Nosid donu hodiez Panon nosan cheyutagan,
Ed nosid pardonu nosayn Pecoyn,
Cuyel anquez nos ityuyd cuyuy contrez nos pecait pardonaims.
Ed nosin ned conducu in Tenton,
Sed nosin liberigu ex Malbonom.

Version with cognates in standard Esperanto:
Patro nia, kiu estas en Ĉielo,
Estu sanktigita Via Nomo.
Venu Via regno,
Plenumiĝu Via volo
Kiel en Ĉielo, tiel ankaǔ sur Tero.
Al ni donu hodiaŭ panon nian ĉiutagan,
Kaj al ni pardonu niajn pekojn
Kiel ankaŭ ni tiujn, kiuj kontraŭ ni pekas, pardonas.
Kaj nin ne konduku en tenton
Sed nin liberigu el malbono.

Romeo ed Julieta

Sed haltu: cuyam Lumom traradiat
Ityun Phenestron? Yemen orientom,
Ed Julieta estat memes Sunom!
Lewizzu, belam Sunom, ed mortigu
Enwian Lunon, cuyu tristœ palat,
Char tu, Serwantom eshiam, estas yam
Plid belam ol eshi memes. Ned estu plud
Eshiam Serwantom, se eshi tuin enwiat:
Eshiam westalam Robom estat werdam
Ed malsanetzam, ed solœ Pholuloy
Wolontœ eghin portait. Eghin phorjetu.
Yemen Damom miham; ho, yemen Amom miham!
Se solœ ityon eshi stziut!



  1. ^ Elektronika Bulteno de EASL includes the short story La Mezepoka Esperanto from Lingvo Stilo Formo, 2nd cheap edition, Kalman Kalocsay, Budapest, Literatura Mondo, 1931.

See also